DJI Builds on Privacy Commitment with Launch of New Trust Center and Drone Security White Paper

The Center empowers operators with resources that help them better understand and optimize the validated security and privacy controls built into their DJI drones


The DJI Trust Center

April 16, 2024 - DJI, the world’s leader in civilian drones and creative camera technology, today launched the DJI Trust Center, an information center for drone operators to gain a better understanding of the expansive privacy controls available to them on their DJI consumer or enterprise drone. The Trust Center also features the latest version of DJI’s Drone Security White Paper which outlines the built-in security protections in DJI drones in detail.


“DJI has invested in drone safety and security. This is why our customers continue to trust and choose our products,” said Adam Welsh, Head of Global Policy, DJI. “We developed the DJI Trust Center to provide our customers with the accurate resources they need to fully understand and optimize the expansive range of privacy controls and security information available to them. This is core to our promise to customers: you control your data.”


User Guides: Consumer and Enterprise Drone Privacy Controls

The Trust Center provides detailed guides for consumer and enterprise drone operators to have a better understanding of the types of data that may be collected from them, from the moment they purchase their drone and activate it for the first time, to when they may need to send their drone to DJI for repair. These user guides clearly outline what data is required, what is optional, as well as the privacy controls available at each step, including “Local Data Mode” which severs the connection between the flight app and the internet, similar to switching on “airplane mode” on a mobile phone (see of Consumer Drone Privacy Controls below). 

Preview of “User Guide: Consumer Drone Privacy Controls”


As outlined in the user guide, DJI does not collect flight logs, images or videos by default. Users have to opt-in to share this data with DJI, such as to submit a request for repair or after sales service, or when uploading media to the public content sharing platform, SkyPixel (only applicable to consumer drone models). 


Enterprise drone operators have an expanded range of privacy controls to meet their enhanced operation requirements. This includes multiple network security modes, the option to update drones and drone maps while remaining offline, an additional drone data encryption feature, and the flexibility to bypass DJI’s flight app, Pilot 2, if the operator prefers to utilize a third-party software solution. More information can be found on the DJI Trust Center’s Resources page. 


Drone Security White Paper: 2024 Edition

Today DJI also announced the latest version of its Drone Security White Paper, first published in 2020 and updated in 2022, which outlines key systems within a DJI drone and the security measures implemented to bolster security, enhance privacy controls, and protect the integrity of user data. The paper includes an updated list of drone platforms and security validations, including the NIST FIPS 140-2 certification for the DJI Core Crypto Engine as well as ISO 27001 certification for DJI’s FlightHub 2 fleet management solution. More information on the white paper and independent validations can be found in the DJI Trust Center’s Resources page. 


View the DJI Trust Center for more information and visit the page regularly to stay updated on the latest DJI security and privacy announcements. Operators can also follow DJI’s content series, Get The Facts, where misconceptions about DJI and its technologies are raised and addressed.