(1) Objective: Sets the corresponding block to run its internal program when specified information is identified
(2) Type: Event block
(3) Examples: Indicate turn, Control attitude
① Indicate turn
When the robot identifies a left arrow, the left turn LED indicators on the gimbal will blink and the robot will translate left for 1 second; when the robot identifies a right arrow, the right turn LED indicators on the gimbal will blink and the chassis will translate right for 1 second.

② Control attitude
A person can stand at a distance of 1 meter from the robot and control its movements using gestures. When the person makes a V sign, the robot will translate forward; when the person makes an inverted V sign, the robot will translate backward.

1) The Event is of high priority, which means that no matter where the main thread runs, the main thread will be suspended and the program in the Event will start running once the triggering conditions are fulfilled.
2) To have the robot identify a person, rotate the gimbal slightly upward, have the person stand at a distance of 1 meter, and ensure that the person stands upright within the robot’s field of view.
3) The person signaling to the robot must make the V sign and the inverted V sign with their arms (as opposed to fingers).
Python API:
Function: def vision_recognized_people(msg)
def vision_recognized_car(msg)
def vision_recognized_pose_all(msg)
def vision_recognized_pose_victory(msg)
def vision_recognized_pose_give_in(msg)
def vision_recognized_pose_capture(msg)
def vision_recognized_marker_trans_all(msg)
def vision_recognized_marker_trans_left(msg)
def vision_recognized_marker_trans_right(msg)
def vision_recognized_marker_trans_stop(msg)
def vision_recognized_marker_trans_forward(msg)
def vision_recognized_marker_trans_red_heart(msg)
def vision_recognized_marker_trans_target(msg
def vision_recognized_marker_trans_dice(msg)
def vision_recognized_marker_number_all(msg)
def vision_recognized_marker_number_[one, …, nine](msg)
def vision_recognized_marker_letter_all(msg)
def vision_recognized_marker_letter_[A, …, Z](msg)
Type: Event callback