When there are many DJI Video Transmitters in use, it is recommended to use Broadcast mode, which allows for quick switches between different transmitters without limitations on the number of receivers.
If Broadcast mode cannot meet signal requirements, turn off Broadcast mode on the transmitter and enable Control mode. In Control mode, DFS channels are available, which can be used in conjunction with DJI Master Wheels, DJI Three-Channel Follow Focus, and the Ronin 4D Hand Grips. Additionally, with Broadcast mode disabled, Control mode provides extended transmission distance, stronger anti-interference performance, dynamic bitrate adjustments, and seamless auto frequency hopping. When a DJI Video Transmitter is used with a DJI Video Receiver, the voice call function is also available.
(Note: Transmission power is higher in Control mode. Keep a distance of at least one meter between the transmitter and receivers at different positions to avoid interference.)