Hardware Install Questions
Please observe the LED flashing status.
Four yellow flashes means preheating, and after preheating it will be OK.
Four green flashes means there is a sensor error, please connect to the assistant software and calibrate the IMU.
Four red flashes means the sticks are not in center position, please connect the software and calibrate the transmitter.
Please check the power supply connection.
Please check the transmitter stick commands and its channel mapping in the software, it has to be consistent and makes full range sliding. Also check the throttle and pitch channel mapping.
Please confirm your email address is correct or check the spam mail.
It is recommended to use Gmail, hotmail, etc for registration.
Please read the user manual carefully, this may be caused by incorrect installation. Please check:
1. the orientation of the main controller;
2. the rotate direction of the motor and propeller;
3. the ESCs are in the correct port;
4. set the correct mixer type in the software;
Software Settings Questions
Configuration error, this may cause by firmware upgrade from the old version, or abnormal Tx calibration. Re-calibrate your transmitter, power cycle your controller, and check all of the parameters.
Voltage low
Your S/N is not available, Please contact your dealer. (Place of purchase)
Voltage low
IMU ERROR,Please contact dealer. (Place of purchase)
You’ve chose parameters tuning by X1/X2 channel with Tx Knob, but no signal detected on X1/X2 input channel, or Tx didn’t powered on.
You’ve chose parameters tuning by X1/X2 channel with Tx Knob, but no signal detected on X1/X2 input channel, or Tx didn’t powered on.
Please check the connection among battery, MC and PMU.
Please make sure you are on the RC page of the NAZA Assistant Software, select the right receiver type or check the receiver connection, after that power cycle your controller to take effect.
Compass data is abnormal, please restart your Controller, if you still get this error, please contact your dealer (Place of purchase).
ERROR [25]
IMU initialization failure, may be caused by crash. Please contact dealer (Place of purchase).
ERROR [26]
Please perform Advanced Calibration.
ERROR [27]
GPS not calibrated, or magnetic field interference. Please calibrate GPS again in good condition. Please contact your dealer for all technical support questions.
- Some of the users who use WINDOWS 7 operating system may not have the usbser.sys file, please download this file and put it into C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ drivers, and then reinstall the driver.
- Download the usbser.sys file.